Before making a decision, we run various checks based on the information you've given us about both you as the person looking to borrow and the property which we'd be lending against.
There are many reasons why you might have been rejected for a mortgage with us but some of the common reasons for rejection are:
Personal eligibility:
- Insufficient credit history - we aren't able to find enough information about how you manage your finances to help us build a picture
- Your credit history doesn't meet our lending criteria
- We couldn’t match the name you've used on your application – As we carry out automatic checks to try and make the process as easy as possible, we need you to provide us with accurate information. This means we need you to provide your full legal name, not nicknames or abbreviations
- Issues with address history – We need to be able to see your address history within the UK.
- You haven’t been a resident in the UK for the last 3 months
Property eligibility:
- The property is outside England and Wales
- The property has a floor space below the minimum requirement of 30 sqm
- The property is a large HMO
- Property price/value below £75,000.
You can always contact us on live chat or email for more information